Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring is just Around the Corner

I am writing this article on March 14, 2011. The temperature hovers at the zero mark, with the sunlight gently warming my face. The ground is still snow-covered, largely thanks to a few heavy falls earlier in the month, but the forecast is for temperatures to climb to +10 later in the week, these high temperatures accompanied by rainfall.

Spring is rapidly coming, and sooner than you might think. The first picture in this article was taken on March 20, 2009. Like today, it was sunny and enticingly warm, a teasing hint of mellow weather that prompted me to walk along the Ottawa River Pathway East. There was still plenty of snow and ice, and it was obvious that this condition would not long last, but winter still seemed to hold a firm grip.

The second picture was taken on April 2, 2010, also on the Ottawa River Pathway East. And what a difference. There is no snow in sight, and walkers are confidently striding with sleeves rolled up their arms. On the day, the runners went by in shorts.

It is never easy to predict what conditions will prevail from year-to-year, but from past experience we can confidently say that spring will arrive soon, and the trails will reveal themselves for another year of enjoyment. Now is the time to dig out your equipment, checking to see that your safety gear is topped up and complete, and to decide what must be replaced.

The trails will soon be ready; will you?

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